What GCC Means to Communities in Schools Neighborhood Leader

December 10, 2024

I really appreciate all that Georgia Conflict Center does to equip service providers and the community. GCC helps us identify and properly use the right tools to communicate well with each other. Professionally, I have gained tools to help lead residents to express themselves better and understand their emotions. Personally, I was able to identify some areas where improvement was needed when it came to me understanding my emotions better. I also gained a clear understanding of how to identify and express them well. So thank you GCC team for all that you do, and I look forward to our continued collaboration in the community.

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Danny's Journey with Restorative Justice

Danny Malec's Recent Interview on "This Restorative Justice Life" with David Ryan Castro-Harris

This Restorative Justice Life is a podcast series that highlights conversations and storytelling with Restorative Justice Practitioners, Circle Keepers, and others about how they bring Restorative Justice philosophy, practices, and values into their personal and professional lives. Hosted by Amplify RJ founder David Ryan Barcega Castro-Harris. Produced by Elyse Martin-Smith.

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"Over Ruled" Contemplates the Upward Spiral of Restorative Justice

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