georgia conflict center help desk

general information

About Georgia Conflict Center

What does Georgia Conflict Center do?

GCC's vision is a just and equitable community, where all can thrive and prosper, in Athens and beyond. Our focus in this area is to build community capacity for restorative practices through training, coaching, technical assistance and facilitation. We work with schools, school districts, criminal justice entities, and community organizations and activists to build a more just and equitable community. Contact us if you would like to learn more about the Georgia Conflict Center.

About Georgia Conflict Center

How can I get involved?

We offer trainings for those interested in restorative justice, specifically for those in K-12 education. We currently do not have volunteer openings, but we are in the process of developing a Restorative Justice Conferencing program that you can find more about here.

Restorative Justice

What is restorative justice?

We define restorative justice as a movement oriented by a set of guiding principles that prioritize building community and connection, democratic participation, and responding to harm in ways that embrace relationships, inclusiveness, support and accountability.  

Restorative Justice is rooted in indigenous and first nations practices from around the world that recognize the centrality of relationship and community and work to build community and repair relationships in the face of harm and wrongdoing.

Restorative Justice, as a movement, emerged as an alternative approach to more punitive approaches within the criminal legal system, but has expanded to include efforts to build restorative culture and practices within schools, workplaces, communities, etc.  You can find out more about Restorative Justice in our Resources Section.

Restorative Justice

Can you provide data and resources related to youth and adult incarceration in Athens/Georgia/elsewhere?

Please visit our Criminal Legal Resources page to find more information related to incarceration in Georgia and throughout the country.

Restorative Justice

What is transformative justice and how does it relate to restorative justice?

We see restorative justice (RJ) and transformative justice (TJ) as sister movements seeking to empower individuals and communities to work together to solve problems, repair harm and work through conflict in a way that is inclusive, participatory and seeks the wellbeing of all involved.  

Traditionally, restorative justice is seen to work for transformation within systems, such as in schools and the criminal legal system.  Transformative justice is typically seen as a community-based effort to collaboratively address the challenges and harm that emerge within communities, particularly communities most affected by poverty, crime, violence, including state sanctioned violence, and harm.  As Mia Mingus states, “TJ was created by and for many of these communities (e.g. indigenous communities, black communities, immigrant communities of color, poor and low-income communities, communities of color, people with disabilities, sex workers, queer and trans communities).”

Both restorative justice and transformative justice seek to get to the root of the harm in order to respond in ways that recognize broader societal and systemic causes of harm. Both TJ and RJ seek to ensure that efforts to repair violence and harm don’t just treat the symptoms, but work to address the underlying conditions that create the context for secondary and interpersonal violence.

Here is a recent panel discussion about transformative justice from Yes! Magazine’s Yes! Fest that features some movement leaders, including Athens Commissioner Mariah Parker.

Here is a link to more resources related to Transformative Justice.

program information

About Georgia Conflict Center

I need restorative justice support in my personal/professional life. Does GCC do restorative justice facilitation?

Thanks for thinking of GCC to provide support for the conflicts in your life. We can assess this in a case-by-case basis. Please contact us to explore possible support and collaboration in this area.

for volunteers and staff

About Georgia Conflict Center

How can I get involved?

We currently do not have volunteer openings. If you are interested in working with Georgia Conflict Center, you can find out more here.